Friday, January 24, 2020

Character-defined Destiny Essays -- Literature Heroic Epics Essays

Character-defined Destiny The Greek poet Homer established the heroic epic literary genre more than two-and-a-half millennia ago with the composition of two voluminous works of art, the Odyssey and the Iliad. From its inception, the heroic epic cast human fate as a type of whimsical recreation for the gods. In fact, the word fate was adopted from the name of the Greek gods in charge of spinning the thread of human life and then cutting it when a person’s destiny had been fulfilled. Hence, a person’s fate in the Homeric epics was largely determined by providence, and a person’s individual actions had little bearing on what became of him or her. We see a new understanding of fate begin to take form in the two primary heroic epics of thirteenth century German literature. The story of Parzival introduces the role of individual maturation in the fulfillment of one’s destiny, notwithstanding its predetermination by God through birthright. The Nibelungenlied, on the other hand, suggests that predestination is the result of the inevitability of one’s own idiosyncrasies: one acts in accordance with one’s own character traits and cannot act otherwise. Both understandings of fate, however, afford man a much larger share in the determination of his own destiny than the Homeric epics ever did and, as such, can shed light on the evolving notion of the â€Å"heroic† informing each work. The story of Parzival and his quest for the Holy Grail was first told by French author Chrestien de Troyes in the 12th century; naturally, the fate of Parzival would have already been well known to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 13th century audience. Then the focus of the epic is certainly not Parzival’s destiny, but his development and maturation throughout th... ... The reason for this is that Gawan (and the code of chivalry he represents) regards his relationship with God in feudal terms, expecting reward in return for service. Even though Parzival once fell from grace and the favor of the round table, he was able to gain redemption through God with the help Trevrizent. By confessing his sins before God and atoning for his trespasses, Parzival was thus able to attain a higher level of honor. Redemption is the pivotal piece of the heroic puzzle that the society of the Nibelungenlied lacks. In Parzival there is no sense of the imminent doom that pervades the Nibelungenlied, because of the society’s steadfast belief in God’s eternal mercy. And, as long as the society of the Nibelungenlied remains bereft of the potential for redemption, it will remain entangled in its own type of Atreus curse and doomed for self-annihilation.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Assess the importance of school factors such as racism Essay

Assess the importance of school factors such as racism and pupils’ response to racism in creating ethnic differences in educational achievement. Racism is a system of beliefs that defines people as superior or inferior, and justifies their unequal treatment, on the basis of biological differences such as skin colour. Individual racism refers to the prejudiced views and discriminatory behaviour of individuals. Institutional racism exists when the routine ways an organisation operates have racist outcomes regardless of the intentions of the individuals within it. Racism and pupils’ response to racism are internal factors which means they happen within schools and the education system they may cause ethnic differences in educational achievement which refers to the differences in educational achievement between the ethnic groups within schools for example, Black and Pakistani pupils do worst at GCSE and Indians and Chinese do best as supported by the DfES (2007). Even though internal factors may have contributed to ethnic differences in educational achievement, external factors outside of the education system such as pupils’ being materially deprived may also affect ethnic differences in achievement. The item seems to support the proposition that school factors such as racism and pupils’ response to racism may cause ethnic differences in educational achievement as the item states ‘Bangladeshi, black and Pakistani pupils achieve less well than other pupils at all stages of education which is supported by the DfES (2007) that found on average just over a half of all Bangladeshi, black and Pakistani girls left school with five or more GCSE grades A*-C. However this was a lot lower for boys with only a half of Bangladeshi boys leaving school with five or more GCSE grades A*-C and less than this for Pakistani and black boys. The item uses Gillborn and Youdell (2000) to explain these differences as being the result of teacher racism this is supported by Jenny Bourne (1994) who found, schools tend to see black pupils’ as a threat and would label them negatively, leading eventually to exclusion. They item also suggests that that gender differences play an important part in creating ethnic differences in educational achievement as it has been found that among white and black working-class pupils girls do better than boys, but among Asians boys do better than girls. Overall the item seems to believe that factors within school such as labelling and teacher racism lead to ethnic minority pupils being treated differently therefore being unable tofulfil their true potential as they feel as though they are less important and less time and attention is given to them leading to ethnic differences in educational achievement. As a result of negative racist labels, teachers may treat ethnic minority pupils differently, disadvantaging them and bringing about a self-fulfilling prophecy that leads to under-achievement as Gillborn and Youdell (2000) found teachers had ‘racialised expectations’ about black pupils and saw their behaviour as threatening and black pupils felt as though they were underestimated by teachers. Gillborn and Youdell conclude that conflict between white teachers and black pupils stems from teachers racist stereotypes rather than pupils’ actual behaviour. This can cause under-achievement because it leads to: high levels of black boys being excluded and black pupils being placed in lower sets or streams. This study clearly supports the proposition that school factors create ethnic differences in educational achievement as the study suggests that teachers low expectations of black pupils leads to them being treated differently and oppressed by teachers leading them under achieving. Research has also found that Asian pupils are also stereotyped by teachers as Wright (1992) found Asian pupils were stereotyped by their teachers and treated differently: They were seen as a problem and were often ignored and teachers assumed that Asian pupils would have a poor grasp of English and would use simplistic words when teaching them. This study is a little surprising as Asian pupils have the highest percentage of pupils leaving school with five or more GCSE grades A*-C. Pupils may react in a variety of different ways to racist labelling in school, including forming or joining pupil subcultures this may lead to the under-achievement of ethnic minority groups creating ethnic differences in educational achievement. Sewell (1998) found that black boys adopted a range of responses to teachers’ racist labelling of them as rebellious and anti-school. One reaction was to join a subculture known as the ‘rebels’ they were a small but highly visible minority of black pupils. They rejected the school’s goals and rules and conformed instead to the stereotype of the ‘black macho lad’. They despised both white boys and conformist black boys. Their aim was to achieve the status of ‘street hood’. O’Donnell and Sharpe (2000) found a macho ‘warrior’ response similar to the ‘rebels’ among some Asian boys. However, despite only a small minority of black and Asian boys actually fitting the stereotype of ‘macho lad’,teachers tended to see all in this way. This resulted in the under-achievement of many boys, as a result of discrimination of teachers. However studies show that not all minority ethnic pupils who are negatively labelled accept and conform to labels. Some remain committed to succeeding despite racist labelling: Fuller (1984) studied a group of high achieving black girls in year 11 of a London comprehensive. The girls maintained a positive self-image by rejecting teachers’ stereotypes of them. They recognised the value of education and were determined to achieve. They didn’t seek teacher’s approval and remained friends with black girls in lower streams. This study would oppose the proposition as this study suggests that not everyone that is labelled in a negative and racist way conforms to their label or accepts that they will not achieve within education. Many sociologists argue that although the racist labelling practised by some teachers is important, it is not an adequate explanation for the widespread ethnic differences found in achievement. Instead, they argue, institutional racism must be focused on. Institutional racism is discrimination against ethnic minorities that is built into the way institutions such as schools and colleges operate on a routine basis, rather than the intentions of individual teachers. The ethnocentric curriculum is an important example of institutional racism. ‘Ethnocentric’ refers to attitudes or policies that prioritise a culture or one particular ethnic group whist disregarding others. Many sociologists have argued that the curriculum within British schools is ethnocentric. Troyna and Williams note that it gives priority to white culture and the English language. Whilst Ball sees the history curriculum in British schools as recreating a ‘mythical age and past glories’, while at the same time ignoring the history of black and Asian people. This may result in minority ethnic group pupils feeling that they and their culture are not valued in education and this diminishes their sense of self-esteem, which has a negative effect on their educational achievement as they feel as though they are worthless causing them to under-achieve. The CRE (1992) study of ‘Jayleigh’ school found that Asian pupils were consistently placed in lower sets and were less likely to be entered for exams causing them to under-achieve resulting in ethnic differences in educational achievement. Similarly, the workings of the ‘A-C economy’ meant that black pupils were placed in lower sets and hadless chance of gaining qualifications. Even though internal factors may have contributed to ethnic differences in educational achievement, external factors outside of the education system such as may also affect ethnic differences in achievement. Cultural deprivation theory claims that the under-achievement of some ethnic groups is caused by inadequate socialisation in the home. This explanation has two main aspects: Intellect and language skills – cultural deprivation theory claims that children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation. As a result, they fail to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills. Bereiter and Engelmann claim that the language of poorer black families is ungrammatical and disjointed. As a result, their children are unable to express abstract ideas- a major barrier to educational success. Some claim that children who do not speak English at home may be held back educationally. This could cause the ethnic differences within educational achievement as according to cultural deprivation theorists ethnic minority pupils would lack the ability to succeed at exams. The other aspect of the explanation of cultural deprivation contributing to under-achievement is attitudes, values and family structure. Differences in attitudes and values towards education may be the result of socialisation. Most children are socialised into the mainstream culture, which instils competiveness and a desire to achieve, thus equipping them for success in education However some children are not socialised in this way and the lack of a male role model for many African-Caribbean boys may encourage them to turn to an anti-educational macho ‘gang culture’. Murray (1984) argues that the high rate of lone parents and a lack of positive male role models lead to the under-achievement of some minority pupils causing ethnic differences in educational achievement. This is support by Moynihan (1965) who argues that the absence of a male role mode produces inadequately socialised children who fail at school. Cultural deprivation theorists also claim that the subculture into which some black children are socialised is fatalistic and focused on immediate gratification, resulting in a lack of motivation to succeed. The belief that cultural deprivation causes ethnic differences in education would not support the proposition as cultural deprivation is an external factor and the proposition suggest that factors within school are the main cause of ethnic differences in achievement. Material deprivation is the lack of physical or economic resources that are essential for normal life in society. Material deprivation explanations of ethnic differences in achievement argue that educational failure is the result of material factors such as poor housing and low income. Ethnic minorities are more likely to face these problems. For example Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are more likely than whites to be poor this would lead to ethnic differences in achievement as some ethnic minorities may lack the necessary resources to achieve educational success. Also for many minorities overcrowding is an issue leading to many pupils being unable to revise or suffering from sleepless nights. The lowest achieving ethnic groups are those with the lowest social class position proving that class as well as ethnic background is also an issue in ethnic differences in educational achievement. In conclusion internal factors such as racism and pupils’ response to racism clearly are an important factor in ethnic differences in achievement as the way pupils are treated within school could lead to them feeling as though they do not belong they will therefore resent school and everything it stands for leading to the failure of examinations and then being classed as under achievers and creating ethnic differences in educational achievement. However external factors also contribute to the ethnic differences in educational success as if a student is to achieve within education they will have had to have been adequately socialised into a competitive culture that strives for success. They will have also have had to be surrounded by role models and equipped with the necessary resources such as educational activities and quality housing to be able to achieve their full potential. While these factors clearly affect pupils’ achievement, racism in wider society may be bigger cause. Members of minority groups face direct and indirect discrimination at work, within the housing market and within education. As a result, they are more likely to have low pay or be unemployed, and this affects children’s educational opportunities as they will feel as they will never amount to anything and are constantly being held back because of the colour of their skin or where they have come from.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hinduism And Islamic Religious Beliefs - 1276 Words

There are so many religions around the world that it is hard to understand what their beliefs are. Religion can influence in culture, art, and politics. Religions also can impact in many ways but can learn about some certain religions to know about more religions. Two of the religions are Hinduism and Islam. Hinduism and Islamic religion have been around for centuries, but Hinduism is older than Islamic religion. Those two religions interested me to know about their places, the services, and worship. The two religions places that I went are Hinduism Temple and Islamic Mosque. When I went to the Hinduism temple they were friendly, welcoming, and they will try to help you understand about their religion. There are many gods in Hinduism and†¦show more content†¦The Hinduism that she follows does not allow to harming animals or nature for their own desire. These are some of the rules that they have to follow to be able to reach certain level. The Hindus worship is differently f rom other religions. Normally they pray early in the morning around 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. One of the prayers is called Arthi. They pray this prayer two times a day the temple she goes to for her religion. Some of other temples pray three times a day which is called Magdha. In the afternoon and evenings they have to pray every day and they cannot be skipped on those prayers times. On the religion large Shiva saved the world and there is a famous river called Ganga River in India. People who believe in this religion go there to take a bath in the river. The people who go take bath in Ganga River will get in paradise. Ganga River originally came from Large Shiva. They believe Large Shiva saved the world by drinking poison drink to save the world. So when people go to the river they put cold water on the river so they can flesh out the poison from Large Shiva. Another thing when they go to prayer women cover their head when they do Arthi. There are many typ es of festival in Hinduism. One of the festival they celebrate in here is called Holy Gidhibali. They paint their faces with colors and before they do this festival,